Monday, July 30, 2012

The Roles and Duties of the Corrections Officer in the Criminal Justice Field

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What can you say or not say about corrections officers? This is a tough job that requires tough people. Guarding incarcerated criminals is not a job for the faint at heart.

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How is The Roles and Duties of the Corrections Officer in the Criminal Justice Field

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Simply put, a revision officer helps the criminal justice system oversee people that have been arrested, awaiting trial, or been convicted and sentenced to jail or prison by the courts. In this article, I'll discuss the many roles and duties they perform as they perform these tasks.

Being a corrections officer means you can expect to perform the following duties or roles:

1. The corrections officer's duties include observing inmate behavior. This observation is help to forestall fights amongst inmates. Prison inmates can sometimes engage in do or die fights. The correctional officer must watch and break up these fights when they occur.

The correctional officer must also peruse inmates to forestall the inmates from escaping. Some prison inmates will flee at the slightest opportunity they get. It is the duty of the officer to forestall this from happening.

2. The revision officer's duties include admitting and releasing inmates. When an inmate is sent to jail, the prison will need correct article of the inmate. The revision officer will make sure of this by entering the inmate's article into the prison's database. The process will also include taking the fingerprints and picture of the inmate.

3. It is the correctional officer's duty to supervise inmates' house visits. Prisoners are allowed visitors while visitor days and hours. The revision officer must make sure nothing that's not allowed transpire in the middle of inmates and their visitors.

4. The revision officer duties or roles include helping rehabilitate the prison inmate. In this case, the corrections officer helps plan the inmate's library visits, training, and work assignments. These things are vital so the inmate can more easily adapt to community when he or she is released.

5. The revision officer transports and escorts inmates from one location to the other. A good example of this is when you see prisoners working on highways. They are usually brought to these highways by correctional officers.

The correctional officers trained to do this can carry weapons. The weapons are there to make sure things don't get out of hand. The last thing you want is for prisoners who are in the general populace to escape. The opportunity of getting shot will help keep them check.

As you can see, the roles and duties of the corrections officer are plenty. Any person that can handle this profession will absolutely not be bored.

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