Saturday, July 7, 2012

Beyond the ADA: Residential Universal Design

Nursing Schools In Arizona - Beyond the ADA: Residential Universal Design.
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How is Beyond the ADA: Residential Universal Design

Beyond the ADA: Residential Universal Design Tube. Duration : 62.60 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Nursing Schools In Arizona . This webinar is the second in a three part series sponsored by the Universal Design member-created community on AIA KnowledgeNet. Over 90% of existing housing in the United States is not accessible and the demand for accessible housing is rapidly increasing as our population ages. Every year millions of Americans adjust to the difficult challenge of living with physical limitations. Living in a conventionally designed house impedes even the simplest daily living functions, compounds their hardship and is hazardous. This workshop goes beyond basic ADA standards and focus on applying the principals of Universal Design in private residences. Participants learn the history of the Universal Design movement, compare examples of current accessible building codes regulations, and examine coming trends. We examine the growing Aging-In-Place market and how architects can effectively provide services to the senior community. The presentation includes case studies of accessible residential projects such as; no-step entries, accessible kitchens and safe bathrooms.
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