Friday, July 27, 2012

The future of the Nursing Profession

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What is the hereafter of nursing careers? Predictions are that in 10 or 20 years, it will look nothing like it does today! With new technologies and drugs, changes in assurance and condition care policies, and the shortage in nurses, the profession will have to reinvest itself. Many nursing functions will be automated. For example, documentation and updating sick person records, smart beds to monitor vital signs, bar codes, and automatic rehabilitation carts could cut the time and errors in dispensing medications, and voice-activated technology would eliminate the need to constantly write things down. Other nursing task such as serving meals will be taken over by aides. This would give nurses more time to contribute a human touch to their patients.

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How is The future of the Nursing Profession

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As a effect of nursing shortages, healthcare facilities will be forced to use their nurses judiciously. Nurses will spend more time at the bedside as educators and care coordinators to refocus on the patient. With the lengths of sick person stays shortening, nurses will have to make the best use of a shrinking amount of time hospital stays. Nurses will also spend more time in supervision and supervision positions. They will need to know how to entrance knowledge and replacement it to the sick person and their loved ones.

The changes in technology will maybe attract more men and minorities into the profession. Greater emphasis must be located on supporting teaching careers and recruiting educators from diverse cultural backgrounds to relieve the serious shortage of nursing school faculty. Therefore, more loans and scholarships for master's and PhDs would also have to be in place, and the colleges would have to pay the instructors more money.

If the nursing shortage continues, hospitals may have to be reserved only for the very sickest. That means that the amount of sick person care will increase, as will the need for home condition care nurses. They will also serve more important roles in clinics, consulting firms, assurance companies, and software and technology companies. Nurses in the hereafter would probably do much more population-based or society condition care. They will identify risks and make priorities for definite populations and groups. They will contribute society schooling and work with employers and assurance payers to make programs that save money as well as promote health.

Nurse practitioners have a thoughprovoking hereafter especially in geriatrics and gerontology. With the baby boomer generation reaching retirement, those nurses who are themselves baby boomers but are not yet ready to retire may find themselves in the role of consultants. They would be the geriatric providers of choice because they would have a good understanding of aging.

As technology and investigate progresses, in linking chronic illnesses to behaviors, nurses would focus more on preventing the illnesses rather than treatment. Also, drugs designed for healthcare that targets diseases before they start, and identifying risks for those diseases will heighten preventive care. This means that citizen are going to have to learn to take care of themselves more. The nursing shortage and rising condition care costs will also put pressure on the condition care principles to change from an illness model to a wellness and arresting model.

Therefore, no matter what the hereafter holds, nurses will have be ready to keep learning, growing, and increasing and changing alongside he transformative role of the healthcare profession. That obviously comes easier when one is passionate about the career.

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